
… what we primarily do

New Business Development – value creation:

  • Business Modelling
  • Business Case & IP strategy
  • Commercialisation

IP to market – value monetization:

  • Technology & Innovation commericialisation
  • Mergers & Acquisitions Services
  • M&A brokerage services and M&A transaction pre-preparation

IP Management:

  • IP development (top down motivation and organization)
  • IP market watch (opportunities, competitors, infringers)
  • IPR protection (patents, trade secrets, disciplinary m.)
  • IP exchange (acquiring and selling, spin-offs, joint R&D)

Strategic Innovation & IP Consulting:

  • Systematic leverage of IP as part of corporate strategy
  • “Innefficiency” approach as cost-benefit benchmark in innovation
  • IP quality management as 3rd party market proof