
Technology Transfer
Innovation M&A and Post Merger integration

New Technology & Innovative  Concepts
New Business & Value Creation
Expansion And Transfer
Business Incubator

About Us

It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer. 
Albert Einstein

IP to Market – Creating Economic Values From IP

Founded in 2005, Vienna Trading House is specialized in Technology Transfer and Innovation M&A accompaniend by post merger integration.

Only by realization of inventions in form of products and solutions an innovation can create economic value.

Vienna Trading House invests early stage its resources to create economic value out of inventions preferable protected by IPRs leveraging  a world-wide network of industry industries and investors.



… what we primarily do

New Business Development – value creation:

  • Business Modelling
  • Business Case & IP strategy
  • Commercialisation

IP to market – value monetization:

  • Technology & Innovation commericialisation
  • Mergers & Acquisitions Services
  • M&A brokerage services and M&A transaction pre-preparation

IP Management:

  • IP development (top down motivation and organization)
  • IP market watch (opportunities, competitors, infringers)
  • IPR protection (patents, trade secrets, disciplinary m.)
  • IP exchange (acquiring and selling, spin-offs, joint R&D)

Strategic Innovation & IP Consulting:

  • Systematic leverage of IP as part of corporate strategy
  • “Innefficiency” approach as cost-benefit benchmark in innovation
  • IP quality management as 3rd party market proof

Tech-Transfer Process

People with a new ideas are called cranks by the time they succeed.
Mark Twain

Preparation is King
Excellent Business case and deal rational – understanding the market and its players – know your strengths and weaknesses –  “action!”

Research of interested partners – direct contact – ranking interest according to „best fit“ criteria – entering into a due diligence

Signing & Closing a deal
Coordination of due diligence and support in negotiations in order to signing a contract & close a deal

Support  in the transfer & integration process to reduce the cultural clash

What is IP?
Transferring technology from small, innovative units to the “sourcing-in” industry is gaining in priority and is used to secure future product pipelines.

An innovation has a subjective utility and value for a possible buyer or licensee, which is usually difficult to prove or represent.

In most cases, the marketing of a technology / innovation is much more successful on the basis of an extensive business case “in the language of possible buyers / licensees”.
Are we dealing with a solution to a problem? Or is a solution lookign for a problem?
And why has it not been solved yet?

We focus on mature Technology and Innovative Concepts with high up-side potential on a global basis.
Technology licensing and innovation transfer means less business risk for the innovator and can be more lucrative than setting up an own operation.

in brief: IP to market.

Fit For Transfer

Doubt is the father of invention.
Galileo Galilei

What would be the answer to such questions?
Is the realistic strategy based on facts and supported by all parties?

How unique and strong is the innovation and what is it going to replace?

What is the value added of the innovation and who are the winners and losers?

Full control over the entire value chain and who will pay for it?

Who decides if the innovation is “ready for business”?

Is the innovation rather “first mover”, “early follower” or “me too”?

Do I have a diversified multidisciplinary first class team beyond enthusiasm?

What conditions will make you closing a deal and comes there after?